कक्षा 9 हिन्‍दी 1.कहानी का प्‍लॉट MCQ TEST बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 9 गोधूलि भाग 1 हिंदी mcq test FOR CLASS 9th

कक्षा 9  हिन्‍दी 1.कहानी का प्‍लॉट MCQ  TEST                       बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 9 गोधूलि भाग 1 हिंदी   Class 9th Hindi Chapter 1 Kahani ka Plot Objective Question   के पाठ एक के ऑब्‍जेक्टिव प्रश्‍नों के उत्तर को देंगे । जो ज्ञान की दृष्टि से काफी महत्‍वपूर्ण है।  objective type question का फ्री में टेस्ट दे सकते है  mcq test  FOR CLASS 9th                                            हिन्‍दी कहानी का प्‍लॉट MCQ          इस टेस्ट में कक्षा 9 के हिंदी के हिन्‍दी कहानी का प्‍लॉट MCQ   का ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन को देकर आप अपने विषय का RIVISION कर सकते  है सामान्य जानकारी  इसको देने से पहले आपको अपना नाम लिखना होगा तब गाँव का नाम  इसके बाद next button पर क्लिक करे   उसके बाद आपको प्रशन दिखने लगेंगे जिसको आप सही से भर देंगे  जब आप सभी प्रश्न का सही सही उत्तर दे  देंगे तब आपको सबसे निचे submit बटन पर क्लिक करना है फिर आपको view score पर क्लिक करना है   ऐसा करने के बाद आपका उत्तर कितना सही हुआ है और कितना गलत यह आपको दिखने लगेगा साथ ही गलत उतर का सही उत्तर भी दिखाई देगा | Loading… objec

climate of india .geography and climate of india

 climate of india

     Climate: The weather conditions prevailing in an area for a long period of time is called the climate of that place. The climate of India is tropical monsoon climate.

     Weather: The atmospheric conditions at a place for a short period of time, such as a day or a week, are called weather there.

     Meteorological service in India was started in 1875 AD; Then its headquarters was in Shimla. After the First World War, its headquarters was brought to Pune. Now meteorological maps of India are published from there.

     Apart from the monsoon, there are two main factors affecting the Indian climate - (i) Himalayan Mountains in the North: Due to its presence, cold winds coming from Central Asia are not able to reach India.

     (ii) Due to the presence of the Indian Ocean in the south and its proximity to the equator, tropical climate is found in its ideal form. Is

     Due to the monsoon winds completely changing their direction from time to time, the following four seasonal cycles are found in India:

      (i) Winter season (15 December to 15 March)

     (ii) Summer season (from 16 March to 15 June)

     iii) Rainy season (16 June to 15 September)

     (iv) Autumn (16 September to 14 December)

     Note: These dates mark a general boundary, the delay in the arrival and withdrawal of monsoon winds affects them significantly.

     > In the plains of North India, winter rainfall occurs due to western disturbances or jet streams.

     > During winter (January-February) the rainfall along the coasts of Tamil Nadu is caused by the retreating monsoon or north-east monsoon.

     > In the summer season, strong humid winds start blowing in the states of Assam and West Bengal, which cause rain with thunderstorms. These winds are known as Nor'wester in Eastern India and Kaal Vaishakhi in Bengal. In Karnataka it is called Cherry Blossom, which is beneficial for coffee cultivation. Because it is beneficial for the mango crop, it is called Mango Shower in South India.

     The hot and dry winds that blow in summer in the dry parts of North-West India are called 'Loo'.

     During the rainy season, an area of heat pressure is formed in north-western India and Pakistan, which is called monsoon trough. At the same time, the Northern Interthermal Convergence (NITC) starts shifting towards the north, due to which the equatorial westerly wind and the south-eastern trade wind of the Southern Hemisphere cross the equator and start flowing in India following Ferrel's law. Which is known as South-West Monsoon. Most of India's rainfall (about 80%) comes from this monsoon.

    Due to the peninsular shape of India, the south-west monsoon gets divided into two branches – (i) the Arabian Sea branch and (ii) the Bay of Bengal branch.

      The monsoon of the Arabian Sea branch first arrives in the Indian state of Kerala in the first week of June. Here it hits the Western Ghats mountains and rains on the coasts of Kerala. This is called monsoon burst.

      The winds coming from the Bay of Bengal (SW branch of monsoon) bring more rainfall on Garo, Khansi and Jaintia hills, due to which Mawsynram (Meghalaya) located here is the place that receives the highest rainfall in the world. (about 1,141 cm)

     The Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon is comparatively more powerful. Of the total moisture brought by the south-west monsoon, 65% comes from the Arabian Sea and 35% comes from the Bay of Bengal.

    Due to the peninsular shape of India, the south-west monsoon gets divided into two branches – (i) the Arabian Sea branch and (ii) the Bay of Bengal branch.

      The monsoon of the Arabian Sea branch first arrives in the Indian state of Kerala in the first week of June. Here it hits the Western Ghats mountains and rains on the coasts of Kerala. This is called monsoon burst.

      The winds coming from the Bay of Bengal (SW branch of monsoon) bring more rainfall on Garo, Khansi and Jaintia hills, due to which Mawsynram (Meghalaya) located here is the place that receives the highest rainfall in the world. (about 1,141 cm)

     The Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon is comparatively more powerful. Of the total moisture brought by the south-west monsoon, 65% comes from the Arabian Sea and 35% comes from the Bay of Bengal.

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